'Atelier a via Margutta. Cinque secoli di cultura internazionale a Roma'


Dino Gasperini, Assessor to Cultural Politics and City Center of Rome
Valentina Moncada di Paternò, curator
Massimo di Forti, journalist
Laura Pepe, President of Via Margutta International Association

In occasion of the publication of the book “Atelier in via Margutta. Five centuries of International culture in Rome ” curated by Valentina Moncada di Paternò, published by Allemandi & C., Valentina Moncada in association with Via Margutta International Association and the Municipality of Rome presents the Festival “Via Margutta, art, location, a mystery unveiled”
It is a long and incredible cultural history that of via Margutta, the little secluded and silent street, so beloved by artists of all centuries, still today animated by art galleries, antiquities, handcraft and restorers shops, making still alive a tradition begun at the final XVI Century.
All the shops and the galleries in via Margutta take part to the Festival with exhibitions, concerts and events in order to discover art studios where some of the most important artists have worked in the past making the street so famous worldwide, on the basis of documentary evidences found out by Valentina Moncada after long years of study and research. During all its five hundred years of history, the street hosted not only painters and sculptors but also musicians, composers, writers, poets, movie directors and actors, all characters of this tribute Festival and displayed along the street as artists timeline.
A commemorative plaque remembers the International Artistic Association, inaugurated by King Umberto I in 1887 at the via Margutta 54.

The program includes the following exhibitions:

“Inside the studio Johnny Moncada”, Valentina Moncada Gallery.
“Inside the studio Gastone Novelli”, Valentina Moncada Gallery.
“Inside the studio Severini-Franchina”, Valentina Moncada Gallery.
“Madrazo and the spanish painters in Via Margutta”, Francesca Antonacci Gallery.
“Mariano Fortuny, Attilio Simonetti e i pittori di via Margutta” Goffi Carboni Antiquity Gallery.
“Twenty years in via Margutta”(works of Alberto Burri, Lucio Fontana, Piero Manzoni, Gastone Novelli, Giulio Turcato, Cy Twombly, Emilio Vedova), Erica Fiorentini Contemporary Art Gallery.
Exhibited the Umberto Boccioni painting “Ms Cragnolini Fanna” (1916), Russo Art Gallery
“A tribute to Federico Fellini”, Vittoria Art Gallery,
“The Pericle Fazzini’s models in via Margutta” Bottega Margutta Gallery,
“The Piazza del Popolo school between two millenniums” La Nuvola Art Gallery
A selection of XIX and XX Centuries via Margutta Artists, 900 Art Gallery
A collection of Rome’s micro-mosaics of the XVIII and XIX Centuries, Fratelli Petochi Jewelry
Music Concert “Viva Puccini! Viva la musica italiana!”

The Festival is realized in association with the Via Margutta International Association and Allemandi & C. Patronage: Departments of cultural activities and Municipality of Rome, The Department of Cultural Heritage and Zetema Progetto Cultura. Sponsored by: Generali Assicurazioni.

Atelier a via Margutta. Cinque secoli di cultura internazionale a Roma.

Publication curated by Valentina Moncada di Paternò

Over five centuries painters, sculptors, photographers, fashion designers, musicians, writers, poets, actors, movie directors and architects from 28 different nations and five continents arrived in Rome, in via Margutta. In this little lonely and charming street they created masterpieces, living and working in art studios characterized by big glass walls, enlightened by the extraordinary light of Rome. Around 1850 the marquise Francesco Patrizi built the biggest complex of art studios to host the International Artistic Association dedicated to culture.
Valentina Moncada di Paternò, after several years on the track of her forefather’s lost archive, recovered it in Umbria, lost in the attic floor of an old palace. It began a fascinating trip throughout the time retracing the history of the street, recognized all over the word as place of art par excellence.

A mystery unveiled, more then thousands artists presences based on documents: Claude Lorrain, Gentileschi, Simon Vouet, Nino Costa, Vincenzo Cabianca, the spanish Josè Benlliure, Mariano Fortuny, Josè Gallegos, Giacomo Puccini and Pietro Mascagni, Le Corbusier, Jean-Paul Sartre, Federico Fellini, Truman Capote, Alberto Burri, Cy Twombly, Willem de Kooning, Salvatore Scarpitta, Pablo Picasso, Attilio Simonetti, Afro, Luigi Ontani, Gabriele Salvatores, just to cite some of them. An incredible list, an essential research tool for scholars and specialists.

Texts by Francesca Cappelletti, Giovanni Carboni, Cesare Cunaccia, Massimo Di Forti, Francesca Foti, Giovanni Gavazzeni, Marina Giorgini, Carlos Gonzalez Lopez, Lia Pagliarani, Florence Patrizi, Anna Villari, Ortensia Visconti.

Publication: Umberto Allemandi &C., Torino 2012.